User Specific Recordings

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User Specific Recordings

Although VideoSyncPro Studio does include a rough User Rights concept, it is usually not advisable to create users manually.

A VideoSyncPro Studio-User represents a role with abilities rather than a human user. This means it can only control abilities within the software NOT on system-level.

Because of this, it is not useful to manually create users, other than to represent another Role. Having different user names with the same abilities is ineffective.

Data Security

It is possible to specify in a role that different users do not 'see' recordings of other users within the software.
But using a setup in which a single Windows Users logs-on to the system, this is not a proper solution for sensitive data!

IMPORTANT: As long as everybody logs into the computer using the same Windows user, all recordings are visible for all users, in the Windows Explorer!

So, if it is important that different users do not see the recordings of others, it is better to control this using the plain Windows Users concept.

Recording Path

Note: As of VideoSyncPro 3.19 the default Video storage path will be
"%USERPROFILE%\Videos", which automatically creates the situation described below for all new installations.

If you specify the Video storage path to the generic Windows 'Videos' library c:\Users\<username>\Videos, only the current Windows user is able to see those files:


This path is valid on every default Windows installation and points to a personal video folder, preventing other users to see the files.

Note: These access rights work for the Windows explorer as well as for VideoSyncPro Studio, because depending on the current Windows user, another 'Videos' folder is visible in VideoSyncPro Studio as well!

Users must be instructed to properly log-off from their Windows account to make this work of course.

IMPORTANT: The use of a top-level folder (e.g. C:\Mangold Videos) overrides the standard Windows user management.

TIP:VideoSyncPro Studio does support Active Directory Users, if configured correctly.