Label Transcription-Events with Codes

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Label Transcription-Events with Codes

Instead of turning specific key-words into regular observation Codes, as described in Turn specific words into Codes, you can of course also add generic, predefined Codes to any of the sentences logged and transcribed.

Click Start - Observation - Define Codes to open the Code definition dialog and enter the expressions you want to use as Codes into this Code definition file:


IMPORTANT: Make sure you provide a Class name for each Code AND organize Codes that might be applied to the same sentence in different Classes!

TIP:You can use plain, flat Codes as well as a multi-level, hierarchical coding systems.

Click Start - Observation - Settings to open the Observation settings dialog and activate the Coding mode Refine existing Events.

None of the other settings are relevant, so close the Observation Settings dialog by clicking OK.

Click btn_session_start to switch INTERACT to its Observation mode.

Select the first Event/sentence you want to label with one or more of your Codes.

Either read the transcription or double-click the Event to watch that sequence.

Click on the Code(s) that applies to that sentence.

Select the Event-line you want to label and continue as before.