<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Installation of INTERACT > INTERACT On MacOS |
The INTERACT Mac Edition has been tested on both Intel-chip, M1, M2 and M3 Chip devices, running macOS 12, 13, 14* and 15 (Monterey, Ventura, Sonoma, and Sequoia).
*) Requires an up-to-date version of INTERACT.
If you need to play more than 4 videos in sync, we recommend an M# Chip because it is far more powerful.
Note: The latest installation instructions can be found on our website in the Software Management section.
We offer different licensing models, and basically all work for both macOS and Windows.
The macOS version is available for all customers with a still valid Scientific Service period.
Customers that already own a CodeMeter License Key (dongle) need to check the serial number of the stick, though.
oOld sticks with a serial number starting with 1-...... are NOT compatible with macOS. You need to contact our sales team to discuss exchange conditions.
oSticks starting with 2-..... or 3-..... might work right out of the box.
If the CodeMeter Runtime kit on macOS does NOT recognize your license key, contact our support team to upgrade your license key (during an online session).
If you have a License Code that is currently used on a Windows PC, contact us to move the license to a your mac.
Download the INTERACT through the following links:
License Software - For both the License Code and the License Key method, the CodeMeter Runtime kit for macOS must be installed: https://www.wibu.com/support/user/user-software.html |
▪Click Download next to the macOS version.
▪Allow CodeMeter downloads.
▪Mount the CmRuntimeUser dmg by double-clicking the downloaded CodeMeter *.dmg file.
▪Double-click the CmInstall.pkg file available on the disk image (dmg).
If you use your CodeMeter License Key on macOS for the FIRST time, check its compatibility at this point:
▪Start the just installed CodeMeter Control Center app.
▪Insert the stick.
If the serial number of the stick pops-up in the left pane of the Control Center, your stick is compatible so that you can continue with the installation of INTERACT.
If nothing appears, your stick is NOT compatible, at least not in its current state; please get in touch with our support team.
If you use a License Code, or your license key is visible in the Code Meter Control Center, you can install and run the INTREACT software on macOS:
INTERACT Software - The latest macOS version of Mangold INTERACT is always available through this link: https://www.videoanalysis.net/setup/INTMac |
IMPORTANT: Make sure your license is still covered by an active service period if you install the latest version!
▪Download the zip file into your local Download folder.
Per default, Safari automatically unzips this package, resulting in the INTERACT application icon directly inside your Download folder. |
Note: If you use a different browser, or changed the default Safari setting to "Do NOT automatically unzip know file types", you need to unzip the INTERACT.app.zip package.
Once the INTERACT.app icon is available:
▪Drag the icon from the Download folder into the Application folder:
Make sure your system did not automatically rename your copy by adding a number!
IMPORTANT: In addition to our INTERACT software, installing the license communication software CodeMeter Runtime kit for macOS from WIBU Systems is mandatory.
If you replace an existing version of Mangold INTERACT, your installation might contain old demo files and other outdated routines.
To make sure your setup contains all and only the latest demo files, Workflows and visualization routines, delete the following folders:
Users > Shared > Mangold INTERACT Data > Demos
Users > Shared > Mangold INTERACT Data > Extensions
At the next start of INTERACT the components belonging to the used version will be created automatically.
Various visualization routines as well as some import and export routines require Python 3.
As of INTERACT 20.10.1 there in an installer script available that does the below in a single pass.
If the script is not yet part of your installer, ask us for assistance at support@mangold-international.com.
Manual Python Installation
INTERACT Mac - macOS users need to separately install Python3 and the required components: |
▪Go to https://www.python.org
▪Download the latest version for macOS.
▪Install Python using the downloaded package.
Verify Installation
To verify the installation enter following commands in your Terminal app:
▪Navigate to Applications > Utillities > Terminal and open that app.
A Terminal window appears.
▪Behind the prompt, type or copy one line at the time and press RETURN:
python3 –version
pip3 –version
If you get a version number in return, all should be well and you can install the required packages.
Install packages on macOS:
Use the Teminal app to install pip and all required packages:
▪Install pip for macOS: Type python3 get-pip.py in the Terminal window
(or use python3 -m ensurepi)
▪Press RETURN to start the installation.
▪Copy and paste the following line into the Terminal window and press RETURN to install all packages in one pass:
pip3 install fer ffmpeg holoviews keras matplotlib numpy openai-whisper opencv-python pandas plotly pyvis seaborn torch wordcloud
If no errors occur, you can now execute the visualization routines in INTERACT.
Installation per package
To (re-)install any of the packages manually, run the corresponding line inside the terminal:
pip3 install fer
pip3 install ffmpeg
pip3 install holoviews
pip3 install keras
pip3 install matplotlib
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install openai-whisper
pip3 install opencv.python
pip3 install pandas
pip3 install plotly
pip3 install pyvis
pip3 install seaborn
pip3 install torch
pip3 install wordcloud
Start Application
Because the INTERACT.app was downloaded from the internet, macOS does - at first - not allow you to open the software with a simple double-click. It wants to ensure that you really did download this software on purpose.
So, to open the INTERACT application for the first time after installation:
▪Make a right-click on the INTERACT app (or press the CONTROL key while you click). ▪Keep the CONTROL key pressed while you select ‘Open’ from the context menu. Now, a dialog showing a yellow warn triangle and information about the developer could not be verified appears: ▪Click Open to start INTERACT. ▪Once you are asked for a license code, enter it... |
ISSUE: No [Open] button
If the Open button is missing (so you see only the lower two buttons), you either released the CONTROL key too soon, or your general Security & Privacy settings do not permit the start of Apps not from the App Store.
Overrule security settings Depending on your system's OS version or security settings, the Open button might not appear, even though you keep the CONTROL button pressed long enough. In this case, you need to open the System Settings dialog: ▪Switch to the Security & Privacy settings and select the General section. ▪Activate the option Apps from the App Store and from verified developers. |
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If a message like The 'INTERACT.app' was blocked from loading is displayed in the grey area: ▪Click the Lock icon to make changes. ▪Click Allow to run INTERACT.