Viewing Room Functionality

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Viewing Room Functionality

Video labs with one or more viewing room(s) - or other setups that require the distribution of video content over the network - can do so with the help of our Mangold Multimedia Player.

Contact our sales team about pricing for this piece of software.

You can send live video streams as well as debriefing videos directly from within VideoSyncPro Studio to any network node running this Mangold Multimedia Player.

This separate piece of software needs to be installed on one or more (mini) computers with corresponding monitor(s) attached, in order to display the content that is received. Our Mangold Multimedia Player turns these devices into a network player. In such a setup, VideoSyncPro Studio serves as an multimedia management system.

These network nodes need to be part of the same network as the VideoSyncPro recording station of course (at least you must be able to send a ping between those devices).

Activate Multimedia Management

Once in a session, on the far right of the the toolbar a double screen icon is visible:


Click this Btn_MultiMediaManagement icon to get access to any available network players.

On the left side a new panel appears, showing any Multimediaplayer session found on the network, including a little preview of its current screen content:


Once at least one network player is detected, you can send one or multiple video windows to this player:

Right-click on the video you want to share to take a look at the context menu:


Select the network player you need from the entries listed in the Send to...> list.

Depending on your needs, you can adjust the display setting in the Multimedia Player running on your network player computer.