Endless Scales per Event

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Endless Scales per Event

If you want to rate multiple behavior types per event (often the case with the interval-based time sampling method), you'll need to adjust the 'simple' version a bit.

In the first, top-level Code Definition file (01_Emotion.ikey), the following changes were made:


oThe name of the first level class was changed to 'Current', because its contents will be overwritten again and again for each behavior coded. It could be removed as a whole, but I found it helpful to see what behavior I was currently rating. It is best to delete this column as a whole after coding.
(Right-click on the "Current" headline and select Delete Class)

oThe additional code "EXIT >>>" only makes sense with the Time Sampling method.
This Code is not entered, it only finishes the loop correctly, as soon as an interval has been fully encoded. Alternatively, the ESC key can be pressed.
Using the Event Sampling method the chain is automatically ended every time a new event occurs.

In the second code definition file for the scale values (02_Intension.ikey) a loop-reference was added:


oAn additional connection from the second to the first file was added, by adding a lexical chain to the top-level 01_Emotion.ikey file.
It creates an infinite loop.

Data Logging

Coding Mode: Lexical or Refine exisitng Events

Coding Method: Event Sampling as well as Time Sampling

Since no special behavior is coded here, each event can be recorded with the SPACEBAR.

After an Event has been logged, you can work through all required behavior types one by one.

Select the first applicable Emotion Type
(The rating scales automatically appear)

Rate this emotion
(you automatically return to the 01_Emotion.ikey level)

Select the next emotion and rate it.

Repeat this for all applicable and available emotion-codes.

Press the SPACEBAR to create a new Event or click EXIT>>> to close the coding of the currently selected interval.

This will result in multiple entries per Event:



Delete the "Current" class to prevent confusion!

The plain INTERACT statistics will not reveal an overall view about the various behaviors independent of their ratings. Because this information was overwritten again and again. This information as well as the average ratings per behavior is available in the Numerical Scales Statistics plug-in as described before.

For all Class names, starting with "#" and containing only numerical values, the scale specific analysis can be used:

Select Analysis - Evaluation - Statistics btn_tlc_fullstatistics>Numerical Classes analysis from the menu.

This will result in a small results dialog like this:

ScalesSample1_Per Event_Results

Value declaration

oCount - Number of values logged for that Class

oSum - Summary of the numeric values for that Class

oAverage - Average rating for all scale ratings of this class (Sum / Count)

oDuration in seconds - Total duration of the Events with a value for this Class

oAverage Duration per Set - Duration in seconds / Count

Note: Only columns with numerical content can be calculated correctly!

Calculation Base

All numerical values within a column are counted (text entries are ignored).

All numerical values are summarized per Class column.

Based on those results, the average values per behavioral Code is calculated.

The duration for all Events with a numerical value , is summarized.

This total duration per Class is divided by the number of numerical values. This way the average duration per behavioral Code and DataSet is provided.