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You can enter any name as a Class name, but INTERACT does offer some 'flags' to specify exceptional Classes.
Those 'flags' identify special Class types with special characteristics, offering you extra statistical and visualization opportunities.
You can add (and remove) those 'flags' to your Classes at any time!
INTERACT knows the following Class types:
Behavioral Classes
Class column (e.g. eye movement) without any special characteristics, to log Observation Codes. |
Numeric Classes |
Class column named with a leading exclamation mark (e.g. !Eye-blinks). This way, INTERACT presumes that such a Class contains numerical information that e.g. will be summarized in statistics and graphically represented by a line chart within the Timeline Chart. Use numeric Classes if you want to count any number of occurrence of a certain fact (e.g. the number of eye-blinks of an observed person). This kind of Class behaves completely different from regular ‘behavioral' Classes in various statistics and enables you to do specific numeric analysis. |
Comment Classes (Class name) |
Class column name in brackets (e.g. "(persons in room)") to collect additional information that should NOT be included in statistical calculations. This type of Class does not apear the various statistical operations nor will its Codes be included in the Code Archive. TIP: Do NOT use those Classes to collect larger textual entries. It is better to place long comments in the transcript field. |
Rating Classes #Class |
Class columns starting with an # can be analyzed with the command Analysis - Evaluation - Statistics IMPORTANT: use only numbers as Observation Codes in those Classes! (e.g. scale 0-5 to describe an emotional state.) |
Invisible Classes ?Class name |
If you enter a questions mark ? in-front of a Class column name, all logged Codes in that column are hidden. Removing the ? shows the Codes again. |