Trouble Shooting

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Trouble Shooting

This chapter contains known issues and solutions for situations in which Mangold DataView does not behave as expected. In case you can not solve your problem with the help of those solutions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are always happy to assist!

Per Email

Send an email to:

Please document your problem in a detailed way. Providing us with the exact version and name of the application (See Help - Info... in the menu if need be), operating system and name of the owner of the license if possible.

If your request has something to do with the file content (like analysis questions), please send -if available- any documents and if need be the code definitions as well.


Additionally, make screenshots of any error messages to document your problem. This usually makes it a lot easier to identify the source of the problem.

The default Windows function for creating those screenshots works like this:

Press the keys ALT GR and PRINT on your keyboard simultaneously.

Windows now stores a picture of the current window in its clipboard.

Choose Edit - Paste from your email menu (or press CTRL+V) to insert the picture into your email.


If you have an internet access, we would be able to look at the problem directly on your PC!

So if your problem can not be described or solved per email, we should make an appointment for an online session, in which we can take a look at your system and discuss your problem live. Establishing this connection is very simple.

Go to our website and switch to the Service / Support area.

Click on the Online support button to connect.

The requested session number will be provided by us.